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An exciting announcement!

Friends! I'm so excited to share some news with you! For the last couple of years I have been on a journey of self-discovery. Asking myself what do I love to do? What am I passionate about? What's most important to me? How can I best serve my family? How can I best serve others?

I'm a person who has multiple interests and passions, and I want to pursue everything all at once. But, that's not realistic, especially being a full-time working mom with two young sons. I knew that I needed to be honest with myself and give myself time to truly reflect and focus.

As many of you know, a lot of life happened this past year and the more that I had to give up control, the clearer things became.

This is what I determined:

1. My faith and family are the most important things to me.

2. Serving my family doesn't mean being home with my children 100 percent of the time. I'm a better mom when I have some time away and I have something to work on that I'm passionate about.

3. Writing. Writing is my therapy, it is my creative outlet and it is my self-care.

4. Health and wellness is my passion. It's been a constant in my life since college. The better I take care of myself - my whole self - the better I can serve others and the happier I am.

5. In my heart, I feel that I'm an entrepreneur (wow, that's a really hard one for me to even write).

So, what did I do with all of that? I finally committed to a program that I have been interested for the last few years. This fall I officially became a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and will be studying to become a holistic health coach. I'm so excited for this journey. While studying I will be keeping my day job and an open mind to see where this journey will take me.

This small digital space will be the place that I share with all of you everything that I'm learning. If we look at health holistically, I believe good health is possible. That means looking at all the pillars of life: relationships, career, stress, sleep, nutrition, etc. We are all complex human beings and we need to understand that good health and happiness stems from so much more than diet alone.

I'm so excited to jump in and I hope that you'll join me on this journey! I believe the Lord is pressing this on my heart and I'm going to be open to however He wants me to use this knowledge. If you haven't already, make sure to sign up for email notifications so you don't miss a single post!



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