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If I Only Reach One...

Some of you may have noticed that The Linda Project (former blog) has gone a bit dark lately. It wasn’t my intention, but sometimes life sneaks up on us and something had to give and that was unfortunately my creative outlet – The Linda Project.

But, just because the words haven’t been written down and shared with the world, it doesn’t mean that I haven’t been thinking about them. To tell you the truth I have been thinking about them a lot, and I have been thinking about what The Linda Project means to me. That led me down a road of what perfection and success would look like, which ultimately led to defeat…I became paralyzed trying to think of content that would build my platform, increase my engagement, and ultimately increase my following. All of the pressure of “success” took so much head space that I couldn’t focus on the messages that were on my heart. I was feeling so conflicted that at one point I told my close friends and family that “I’m quitting the Linda Project.”

After making that declaration, I still didn’t feel at peace with it. Slowly, I began getting little nudges about my humble web project and I just couldn’t let it go. I realize now that I was focusing on all the wrong things. I’ve been thinking way too much of how to be deemed “successful” as a blogger and an aspiring author that I forgot why I created this “platform” in the first place. This platform wasn’t created for me. It was created for you. I created it to share truth, encouragement, and inspiration to all of you who may need it…I created it to share what God has put on my heart and mind instead of my own agenda.

It’s incredibly humbling to realize that this little virtual space isn’t all about me. But, that this is a space where I can be all about you and serve you and the Lord. Taking me out of it makes this so much simpler and it make it that much more enjoyable. The pressure is off. When I listen to my heart I know exactly what to do and what to write.

Do I want to take my writing to the next level someday? Absolutely. But, I need to realize that it’s not in my timing, it is in His. So now, I’m not going to measure myself against how many “likes” I get, or “shares” or emails back telling me how wonderful the last blog post was. I’m going to find contentment and joy knowing that my heart is in this to serve and that even reaching one person is enough. Reaching one person can change the world.

10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. – Peter: 4:10

I’d like to remind all of us of this. God gave us each our gifts with intention. There are no coincidences. Even if your gift feels small or insignificant keep giving it. You never know who’s like you may be changing. I’m going to be reminding myself of this as well.

It’s good to be back friends. The Lord is risen. He is risen indeed.


Three things I’m thankful for:

The “do-over”



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