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An injury, exhaustion, and an announcement

It was Mother’s Day weekend. I laid on the ground and was in complete shock. I hadn’t felt pain like that before and I knew that I had heard something crack. All I could think was this isn’t good. Is it broken? Fractured? Sprained?

It took about 30 seconds for the ladies to notice me laying on the ground. They rushed over and helped me up. I tried to walk on my foot (putting very little pressure on it) and it gave out on me immediately. Again, this is not good.

The ladies held me up and we hobbled to the nearby picnic table, and I just couldn’t hold the tears in anymore. It didn’t matter if my son saw me cry, my mom, my friends, my paying customers. I was done. In that moment I realized just how DONE I was. Emotionally, physically, and mentally.

It was Mother’s Day weekend and I had woken up early on Saturday morning to prepare our MOTR Celebrate MOMS race. I had goodies, giveaways, and beautiful flowers ready for all our participants. We all ran our race and now it was time for the kiddos to run and that’s when I ran across the field, stepped into the grassy hole and the pain and the realization that something needed to change set in.

I went to the doctor and got an x-ray and an MRI – it was a lateral sprain with evulsion fractures. The doctor gave me a boot and told me it would take 4 to 6 weeks to heal…it’s taken much longer. I’m still healing. The good news was Matt and I were able to go to Florida that following week. The bad news was that all my race aspirations for the summer were over and somehow, I felt relief. Relief that I could stop pushing that I didn’t have to keep running myself ragged trying to be something I thought I should be as an owner of Moms on the Run.

When I was finally able to pause and get some time away in Florida with Matt the following week I could think straight. That brought me to a hard realization. It was time to sell my businesses. Businesses that I have poured into over the last two years. Everything was done with intentionality and love trying to build a community for women that was supportive, fun, and productive for their physical health.

I don’t regret one second of it. These businesses have brought so much into my life. So many amazing women. I have learned so much and I have grown so much. But it’s time for me to take care of me (emotionally, physically, and mentally) and my family. Life isn’t slowing down, but the Lord has made me slow down. I truly believe that my accident on Mother’s Day weekend was all a part of a bigger plan. God’s plan. I knew I was tired and I was burnt out, but I kept ignoring it. God wouldn’t accept that anymore and He made sure I couldn’t ignore it anymore either.

I’m hopeful someone wants to step into this position of leadership with Moms on the Run and continue to build this successful business. To continue to grow a community that’s safe and supportive for women of all ages and backgrounds.

If that person is you, please reach out to me. I would love to share my journey and any information with you.

Blessings to you and your loved ones.


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