Have you ever found yourself feeling super overwhelmed and your first instinct is to clean something? If you have, go with your instinct. Not only will you end up with a clean space, but your mind will feel so much clearer as well.
Why clear the clutter?
Physical and digital clutter are mental clutter. I can't take credit for this profound thought. I read it in Emily Ley's book, The Simplified Life (highly recommend), but it's so true. Whenever we have clutter or distractions coming to us in our physical environment or digital it takes us away from leading a life of peace and intention.
Organizing and decluttering a space makes us feel accomplished - this is a project with a defined start and finish.
Gives us a sense of control in a world where control feels elusive.
Decluttering and organizing saves you time - you won't have to spend extra time looking for specific items or that one bill in a pile.
You may find somethings that you've been looking for.
There's just something about an organized space that makes us feel good, right? :)
Your challenge: Choose one small space in your home to declutter and organize. I encourage you to choose a smaller project, so it doesn't overwhelm you and so you can complete it in about 15 minutes. If you're home is in tip top shape already, you can always do a "digital declutter."
Physical space ideas:
The "junk drawer"
The paper pile - you know the one everyone has with the unopened mail :)
Your bathroom drawer
Medicine cabinet
Sock drawers
Your car...crumbs anyone?
Desk drawers
Cleaning supplies
Digital space ideas:
Your inbox...unsubscribe from those newsletters you don't read anymore
Clean up your "home" screen on your cell phone and only keep apps you use.
Back up all of the images to the cloud and delete off your phone.
After you complete your project - share and tag me on social media - @JAHolisticHealthCoach Facebook and @jennaallerson on Instagram. I can't wait to see what you accomplish! Plus, you just never know who you'll inspire next!
Blessings to you and yours,
P.S. Are you interested in connecting with a health coach that can help you in multiple areas of life? Send me an email at jenna@jennaallerson.com and set up your FREE consultation today!